Our history

The SOCIALCARBON Standard was the first voluntary carbon standard developed in the Global South. Born out of the Bananal Island Carbon Sequestration Project, the first carbon project in Brazil and the second in the world in 1997, SOCIALCARBON was developed around the philosophy that for Nature-Based Solutions to deliver lasting impact, they must deliver sustainable livelihoods and embed local community participation.

The SOCIALCARBON Standard was originally launched in 2005 as a Co-Benefit Standard, whereby its was used to monitor the broader sustainability impacts delivered by projects utilising Carbon standards. During this period the Canguçu Research Centre was developed in Tocantins State, Brazil, to support environmental research in the area (picture right).

2005 - 2022:

Over 60 projects across the world used the Standard, spanning 3 continents and supporting in the emission reduction/removal of over 20 million tCO2e. The Brazilian NGO called Ecologica Institute managed the Standard.

2022 onwards:

SOCIALCARBON Standard v6 is launched, transitioning to a full Carbon Standard focused on Nature-Based Solutions. The Social Carbon Foundation is formed to manage the Standard and its continued evolution from the United Kingdom.