Nature Stewardship Framework
A holistic path to resilient ecosystem restoration
The Nature Stewardship Framework offers a comprehensive approach to conserve biodiversity, enhance local livelihoods, and strengthen governance in nature-based projects. At its core is a unique environmental asset—the Nature Stewardship Credit (NSC)—which quantifies the sustainable management of one hectare of natural ecosystem per year, ensuring long-term ecological and socio-economic benefits.
A Holistic Approach to Nature-Based Solutions
Restoring and Conserving Habitats
Promoting the restoration of degraded lands and the preservation of pristine ecosystems, safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Biodiversity Monitoring
Monitoring habitat health and species diversity through robust indices, providing clear, measurable evidence of biodiversity improvements over time.
Sustainable Livelihoods for Communities
Empowering communities by creating jobs, improving well-being, supporting equitable resource sharing, and promoting long-term economic resilience.
How Nature Stewardship Credits Work
1. Calculate Nature Stewardship Index
Calculate your project’s Nature Stewardship Index, an index consisting of three sub-indices, uploading evidence through the Social Carbon Portal:
Biodiversity: Measures habitat and species health.
Socio-Economic: Measures community benefits, including job creation and collectively agreed social outcomes, such as cultural heritage preservation.
Governance: Ensures transparent, adaptive, and equitable resource management.
3. Issuance of NSCs
When approved, the project will be authorised to issue Nature Stewardship Credits (NSCs) on the SOCIALCARBON Registry, generating a unique, fungible token for each NSC on our blockchain secured registry.
NSCs = Nature Stewardship Index x Hectares restored/conserved
2. Verification of Impact
The project results are independently verified by an approved Validation and Verification body (VVB).
The Social Carbon Foundation team will review the documentation and VVB report, prior to approving any issuance of Nature Stewardship Credits (NSCs).
What Makes the Framework Unique
The framework reflects the multi-faceted aspects of nature-based projects, quantifying biodiversity, socio-economic and governance metrics.
Projects using the framework actively restore degraded habitats while conserving pristine ecosystems, ensuring a balanced focus on nature's full spectrum.
The framework’s flexibility allows NSCs to function as standalone credits or integrate with carbon projects, enhancing their value and adaptability.
Projects co-select Social indicators with the local communities so they are locally-relevant.
Promoting Excellent Governance
Transparent, inclusive, and adaptive governance ensures accountability and long-term success in managing natural resources.
Empowering Communities
The framework prioritizes Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP&LCs), ensuring they benefit through equitable resource sharing, improved well-being, job creation, and strengthened local governance.
Get Involved.
Interested in developing a project or in collaborating with us - connect with us!
Frequently asked questions
NSCs are innovative environmental credits to raise funding for natural ecosystem restoration and/or conservation. They measure and reward biodiversity conservation, socio-economic impact, and governance into a standardised unit.
Carbon credits focus on emissions reduction and/or sequestration. Nature Stewardship Credits focus on conserving biodiversity, enhancing local livelihoods and strengthening governance in nature-based projects.
Anyone from conservationists, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP&LCs), to investors and organisations wanting to buy buy biodiversity credits can engage in projects, provided they align with its principles of inclusivity, sustainability, and accountability.
Yes, NSC’s are designed to be modular, they can be standalone credits or they can integrate with carbon projects to track and reward additional benefits like biodiversity and social outcomes.
NSC projects range from restoring degraded lands and protecting pristine ecosystems to initiatives that conserve and/or enhance biodiversity, sustainable livelihoods, and strong local governance frameworks.
No, NSCs are not intended to function as offsets. NSCs do not compensate for negative environmental impacts or biodiversity loss. Instead, they are designed to reward positive contributions, such as ecosystem restoration, biodiversity enhancement, and socio-economic benefits. This ensures that the unique value of biodiversity and community well-being is recognised and preserved, rather than being treated as interchangeable or replaceable.