SCM0002: Methane emission reduction by adjusted water management practice in rice cultivation
Sectoral Scope: Scope 15 - Agriculture
Status: Live since 28/05/2022
Modules / Key Sources:
AMS-III.AU, “Methane emission reduction by adjusted water management practice in rice cultivation”.
Rice is the nutritious staple crop for more than half of the world’s people, but growing rice produces methane, a greenhouse gas more than 28 times as potent as carbon dioxide. Methane from rice contributes around 1.5 percent of total global greenhouse gas emissions and could grow substantially.
The methodology comprises technology/measures that result in reduced anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in rice cropping soils and thus reduced generation of methane.
Version History.
Release date: 1st December 2022
Revision to the Additionality Section to use the SOCIALCARBON Tool for the Demonstration and Assessment of Additionality for AFOLU project activities (SCT0001) to determine that the proposed project activity is additional rather than CDM tool.
Release date: 14th February 2023
• Requirement to demonstrate baseline scenario and project activities (re water management) using satellite imagery
• Alignment of the methodology to the latest scientific literature
• References updated
Release date: 26th July 2023
• Aligned to latest IPCC values
• Additional clarification regarding uncertainty & remote sensing requirements